Tests and trials

In order to gain optimal usability, accessibility and acceptability, the PIA team conducted lab-tests of the user interfaces and general functionality of the PIA system. At the end of 2013 mock-ups (paper prototypes) of all parts of the system were available for the R&D team.

Field trials are organised to pilot the PIA system in real home environments. In addition to primary end-users, both formal and informal carers are engaged in PIA field trials.

For demonstration purposes, a mobile “PIA kit” has been developed. This kit can also be deployed to acquire end-user feedback in different dissemination contexts. The mobile kit contains:

  • Large posters which illustrate home appliances in real size (e.g. microwave oven, washing machine, DVD player, etc.)
  • NFC tags to be attached to posters.
  • Tablet PCs to show a video clip.

Washing machine

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